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The Amsterdam Court of Appeal has today ruled on appeal that the cleaners who work for households via the online platform ‘Helpling’, have the legal status of temporary agency workers.

The Subdistrict Court had reached the (different) conclusion that there was no employment or agency contract between Helpling and the cleaning lady, but that there was an agreement between the cleaning lady and the household for whom she performed cleaning work.

This new ruling means that other cleaners at Helpling can also claim a temporary employment contract and compliance with the collective labour agreement. Cleaners at Helpling have all the rights that ordinary employees also have, such as the right to sick pay, paid holidays, protection against dismissal and a benefit in the event of dismissal (transition compensation) and pension accrual.

For more information, please refer to the FNV’s press release here (in Dutch) and to the article published by de Rechtspraak here (in Dutch).

The Court of Appeal decision can be accessed here (in Dutch).