Legislation and developments
This section displays selected legislative developments at European, national and international level. You also find links with direct access to relevant sources of European and International Law.
Read about relevant legislative developments at European level or explore the sources of European Law.
As informed in the case law section of ETUCLEX website,
Read about relevant legislative developments at national level submitted by our affiliates.
Trade unions have contributed to putting an end to a situation in which undocumented workers, while protected by the Labour Code, were deprived of the possib
The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) representing approximately 185,000 workers across the UK civil service, has begun the first legal action chall
Read about relevant legislative developments at international level or explore the sources of International Law.
A new ILO study marks a step forward towards creating a new international labour standard to support decent work in the platform economy
The International Labour Office submitted to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) a collection of 342 documents in five volumes (dossier), as required un
The International Court of Justice has made an Order organizing the proceedings, an opinion can potentially be expected for early 2025