European Union Law

Legislation and Treaties

EUR-Lex - The official multilingual online gateway to EU Law

TEU - Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union

TFEU - Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

CFREU - Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

  • EXPL - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights

Court of Justice of the European Union

CURIA - The official database of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union

European Commission

RegDoc - The official register of Commission documents

European Parliament

OEIL - The legislative observatory database for monitoring the EU decision-making processes

Legislative Train - The schedule displays the current status of each piece of proposed legislation as well as its development

RegistreWeb - EP Public Register of Documents

Council of the European Union

Document Register - Preparatory legislative and meeting documents

European Economic and Social Committee

EESC Document Search - Find opinions, reports and other public documents

Council of Europe


ECHR - European Convention on Human Rights

  • Protocols - Protocols to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

ECS - European Social Charter

  • CETS - Revisions and Additional Protocols to the Europan Social Charter

CoE Treaty Office - Complete list of the Council of Europe Conventions

Case law

HUDOC - The official database of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

Hudoc-ESC - Decisions and Conclusions of the European Committee of Social Rights

Resolutions, Recommendations and Opinions

CoM - Decisions, Recommendations and Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers

CHR - Opinions of the Commissioner for Human Rights

PACE - Recommendations and Resolutions of the Parliamentary Assembly

CONGRESS - Recommendations and Resolutions of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities