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Dear colleagues,

We wish to share with you a Resolution on Better Regulation adopted by the European Parliament in Strasbourg last week.

European Parliament resolution of 7 July 2022 on Better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws

The ETUC has closely followed the Parliament’s work on this Resolution, pushing for our demands as set out in the ETUC Resolution EU ‘Better Regulation’ for All.

The EP has taken onboard many of the ETUC demands, scrutinising the Commission’s revamped Better Regulation Agenda, and calling for a more sustainable and inclusive approach to EU law-making. Notably, the EP Resolution recognises e.g. that:

  • Transparency, integrity and accountability are essential prerequisites of a democracy based on the rule of law;
  • Quality law-making cannot be reduced to quantitative targets for short-term reduction of burdens, but should deliver for everyone as a long-term investment in the shared prosperity of our societies;
  • Sustainability should be at the heart of quality law-making, considering economic, social and environmental aspects with an equal level of detailed analysis and accuracy, taking into account both qualitative and quantitative evidence, including also the impact of policy measures on fundamental rights;
  • Mainstreaming the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in all EU legislative proposals requires greater attention to gender equality and equality for all, ensuring that the ‘do no significant harm’ and precautionary principles are applied across all policy areas;
  • The Regulatory Scrutiny Board should not affect the Commission’s capacity to propose legislation or unduly delay the adoption of legislative proposals, and the Commission should publish all of the Board’s opinions immediately after adoption, without exceptions.

As regards the ‘one in, one out’ approach, the Parliament particularly notes that it was introduced unilaterally by the Commission, without a prior impact assessment or consultation. The approach must not affect political imperatives or the objectives of better regulation, lead to mechanical or mathematical decisions to repeal legislation, lower its standard or result in a chilling effect on legislation. Neither should it be translated into deregulation or ‘no-regulation’, nor prevent Member States from maintaining or taking more ambitious measures and adopting higher social, environmental and consumer protection standards in cases where only minimum standards are defined by Union law.

For more information on the key messages of the Parliament, please see the EP press release.

Best regards,

Isabelle Schömann
Confederal Secretary