European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions (EUROMIL) v. Ireland

Country :

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Applicable law/instrument :

Revised European Social Charter

Branch of law :

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The complaint was declared admissible on 23 January 2023. The complaint pertains to Articles 2 (the right to just conditions of work) and 4 (right to a fair remuneration) of the revised European Social Charter.

EUROMIL alleges that members of the Irish Defence Forces do not benefit from appropriate working conditions and remuneration, particularly when they work on public holidays or when they work overtime, in violation of Articles 2§1, 2§2, 4§1 and 4§2 of the Charter.

The full text of the complaint and the declaration of admissibility can be found attached below.

More information on the collective complaints mechanism can be found here.

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