Complaint No. 226/2023

Country :

Register number :

Complaint No. 226/2023

Applicable law/instrument :

European Social Charter

Branch of law :

Judgement date :


The Fédération SUD Santé-Sociaux v. France has lodged a complaint against France, alleging the violation of articles 4 (right to a fair remuneration) and 6 (right to bargain collectively) as well as Article E (non-discrimination) in conjunction with each of the aforementioned provisions of the revised European Social Charter.

Fédération SUD Santé-Sociaux alleges that the French Government failed to comply with the agreements reached with the trade unions, known as the Ségur Agreements of 13 July 2020, which provided in particular for an increase in the remuneration of care workers belonging to the "active" category (care workers recruited before 2010 and allowed to retire at the age of 57) in proportion to that of care workers belonging to the "sedentary" category (care workers recruited after 2010 or who accepted to postpone their retirement to the age of 60 for a higher salary increase). The complainant organisation considers that such a difference in treatment is in breach of the aforementioned provisions of the Charter.

The full text of the complaint can be found here.

For more information on the collective complaints system, see here

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