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Since the COVID-19 outbreak, workers in many sectors (most of them female workers) have continued being physically present at the workplace, at the frontline, fighting the virus, such as in healthcare, cleaning industry and retail.

Europe is now entering a new phase of the fight against the pandemic, in which Governments are establishing gradual retake of work and the return to the workplace. The success of the EU exit strategy will largely depend on reaching agreements between the social partners on work organisation with a strong attention to occupational safety and health, for which the use of technology can be an effective tool if managed democratically.


Please access the full briefing note here for more information on Covid-19 and new technologies allowing more surveillance at work.

Further information can be found on the ETUC dedicated webpage that contains ETUC statements, European social partner statements, and most importantly national bi-partite and tri-partite agreements on dealing with the impacts of the coronavirus emergency.