Published on :
06/03/2025Category :
Mandatory vaccination at the workplace is increasingly discussed. These schemes are being implemented or discussed in Europe for the public sector, within the health sector, but also for the private sector. Other similar initiatives, like ending compensation for unvaccinated
employees who are required to observe mandatory quarantine, have also been established in some Member States.
These initiatives raise several questions, e.g., occupational health and safety, labour law, privacy and fundamental rights issues. But it also challenges us as trade unions.
With this Covid-19 briefing, ETUC aims at providing a compilation of evidence from its affiliated members to provide for a better understanding of the different approaches taken across the EU. It will also serve as the basis for an upcoming ETUC debate in the formulation of a trade
union response.
Please access the full briefing note here for more information on Covid-19 and mandatory vaccination schemes.
Further information can be found on the ETUC dedicated webpage that contains ETUC statements, European social partner statements, and most importantly national bi-partite and tri-partite agreements on dealing with the impacts of the coronavirus emergency.