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The meeting was the first regional conference of a two-year trade union rights project being run jointly by EPSU and the European federations for police (EuroCOP) and military personnel (EUROMIL). The project, financially supported by the European Commission, was launched in May and focuses on the need to defend and extend trade union rights for all public service workers.

The meeting discussed:

  • Trade union rights in the public services in Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain;
  • The role of the European social dialogue;
  • The transposition of the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive (TPWCD);
  • Legal strategies to defend and extent trade union rights; and
  • The importance of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) convention 151 on labour relations in public services.

Stefan Clauwaert, senior legal adviser at the ETUC, delivered a presentation on legal strategies which can be downloaded here. Other presentations were provided by the University of Ghent (here), the ILO (here) and EPSU (here and here). 

For more information on the content of each point discussed during the meeting, please access the website here.

For more information on the project 'Strengthening Trade Union Rights in Public Services', please access the website here.