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To mark the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints (ETS No. 158) in 1998, the Social Rights Department of the Council of Europe hosted an event to discuss effective social rights protection in the European space.

The event revolved around the 3 following panels:

  • Collective Complaints procedure explained;
  • Collective complaints procedure in practice: challenges, implementation and impact; and
  • Summary and way forward.

Full video of 25th anniversary

Today, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints (ETS No. 158) in 1998, the Department of Social Rights of the Council of Europe also launched a new video based on interviews with representatives of different stakeholders involved in the procedure : the European Committee of Social Rights, NGOs, Trade Unions, Governments and the Secretariat.

The aim of this video is to try explain the procedure in general and its added value as a major democratic tool and includes insights into the work of the ETUC with respect to the Collective Complaints Procedure.

Video explaining the collective complaints mechanism (English subtitles)

Video explaining the collective complaints mechanism (French subtitles)