Event date :

28/06/2021 10h30 to 29/06/2021 17h30

Venue :


Invitation to the 10th Anniversary of the ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers 28-29 June 2021

The ETUC is pleased to share with you an invitation to a 2-day online Conference to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the ILO Convention C189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers on 28-29 June. The Conference is organised by a European Multi-Stakeholder Alliance between e.g. the ILO, the European Commission, trade unions (EFFAT and UNI Europa) and employers’ organisations. 

Until today, seven EU Member States have ratified the ILO Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. The issue of improving domestic and care workers’ rights remains more than ever a topical issue. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted both the essential contributions of those workers to our societies and the precarious working and living conditions a vast majority of them still face. 

This is why, a new alliance of organisations has been formed to work together and acknowledge this important milestone by organising a multistakeholder conference on the ILO C189, ten years after its adoption. 

The online event, to be held on 28-29 June 2021, will outline practices and policies to enhance the situation of personal and household services workers.  

You can download the full agenda here 

Interpretation will be available in English, French, Italian, German, Polish, Romanian and Spanish.