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The Employment Tribunal of Florence (Italy) has accepted the appeal of FIOM CGIL, condemning the company GKN to "revoke the letter of initiation of the collective dismissal procedure". 

GKN had proceeded with the initiation of the dismissal without informing the Trade Union, a violation of its information and consultation duties as per their agreement of 9 July 2020. The Court considered GKN’s behaviour to be ‘anti-union behaviour’ as per Article 28 of the ‘Workers Statute’ (Statuto dei Lavoratori).

GKN, after the judgement, proceeded to revoke the 422 redundancies of the workers of the Campi Bisenzio site, but with the widest "reservation of appeal".

The judgement can be downloaded here (in Italian). 

More information can be found here (in English) and here (in Italian).

A question for written answer was submitted to the Commission by the Left Group in August 2021 and can be found here. The answer from the Commission can be found here.