Event date :

15/11/2022 09h00 to 16/11/2022 17h00

Venue :

The International Auditorium, Brussels

Country :

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the 2022 NETLEX Conference.

This year, the conference will focus on trade union efforts to protect fundamental worker and trade union rights amid the challenges posed by global crises.

Drawing on the expertise of high level representatives from organisations such as the EU institutions, the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the International Labour Organisation, and academia the conference panels will address the latest developments in European labour law - among others in the areas of collective bargaining, democracy at work - as well as human rights and due diligence, with input from both experts in the field and from workers victims of human rights abuses.

The conference will draw to a close by casting its gaze towards the future, with a discussion on EU policy and trade union demands in view of the forthcoming ETUC Congress in 2023.

For more information on the sessions and topics that will be addressed, please see the draft programme attached below.

To find out more about the travel and accommodation policy, please visit the ETUC's website here.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Thomas Taylor Di Pietro ([email protected]) regarding the programme or Esyllt Meurig ([email protected]) regarding the practical organisation.

We look forward to seeing you in Brussels.