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A new website - Action Europe - has been created that will act as a European-wide multi-lingual trade union action platform.

This initiative aims to build a broader and more active community of trade union supporters, a community campaigning for a fairer deal for working people, and to take supporters on a journey from clicktivism to trade union activism.

The platform has gone public with three petitions and in two languages – English and French. Over the summer it will expand to 5 languages with the addition of Germany, Spanish and Italian. In future we can add other languages.

Three important petitions that we strongly urge you to sign have already been shared on the website:

•    End human rights violations in supply chains, involve trade unions – for a more effective Directive proposal on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD)
•    Work shouldn’t kill – demand zero death at work!
•    Stop violence and harassment at work – Ratify the ILO Convention n° 190!