
Action for Annulment of Minimum Wage Directive before CJEU

The action was brought on 18 January 2023. 

The Kingdom of Denmark claims primarily that the Court should:

Trade unions in France raise issue of constitutionality to defend the rights of migrant workers

Trade unions have contributed to putting an end to a situation in which undocumented workers, while protected by the Labour Code, were deprived of the possib

Confronting systemic human rights violations: Human rights due diligence and state-imposed forced labor under the German Supply Chain Act

New Policy Paper published by the ECCHR

CJEU judicial statistics 2023

Confirmation of the structural increase in litigation before the Court of Justice

Cases under discussion

In the ETUCLEX litigation section, logged-in members of the network can share information and discuss pending cases of strategic importance to the trade union movement.


ETUCLEX is the human rights, legal and strategic litigation network of the European Trade Union Confederation and its affiliates.
