No. 103/2013 Bedriftsforbundet v. Norway

Country :

Register number :

No. 103/2013

Branch of law :

Judgement date :


The complaint, registered on 9 September 2013, relates to Article 5 (the right to organise) of the European Social Charter. The complainant organisation, the Bedriftsforbundet , alleged that the practice at Norwegian ports, requiring that employees have membership of the dock worker union in order to be allowed to take up work, constitutes a breach of the above mentioned provision.

The European Committee of Social Rights declared the complaint admissible on 14 May 2014.

The European Committee of Social Rights adopted its decision on merits on 17 May 2016.

In its decision on merits, the Committee concluded:

  • Unanimously that there is no violation of Article 5 of the Charter.

The Committee of Ministers adopted Resolution CM/ResChS(2016)6 on 5 October 2016

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