Event date :

14/09/2022 07h00 to 14h00

Venue :

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Building 2, Conference Hall Hiroshimastraße 28, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten (also online)

Country :


The European Union decided to establish a European Labour Authority (ELA) in 2019. The aim of this new agency is to ensure greater fairness in the European labour market. In regards to the widespread problems and abusive practices in some areas of labour mobility, the initiative was supported by trade unions and broad sections of the political establishments alike. Three years after the decision to establish the ELA, the conference will take stock of ELA‘s work and its current mandate. What can ELA contribute to the promotion of fair cross-border mobility and the combating of wage and social dumping? How should initial activities and campaigns be evaluated? How does the interaction between the ELA and the national authorities work? These and other questions will be discussed with stakeholders from politics, administration and trade unions.

This is a hybrid conference. You can participate in presence or digitally via Zoom. Please register until Tuesday, 06 September 2022 with [email protected], indicating whether you will participate in presence or digitally.

Pictures will be taken during the conference. The event will be translated simultaneously in German and English. A zoom link will be sent to you shortly before the conference.

We are looking forward to the discussion with you!