‘Workers with Whistles’ webinar - 3 December at 10:00

We wish to share with you an invitation from Eurocadres to attend their webinar ‘Workers with Whistles’ on 3 December.

Commission Conference on Competition Policy and the Green Deal

ETUI Webinar on labour law, climate change and the just transition

OECD Competition Open Day

ETUI Conference on strategic aspects of occupational safety and health litigation

‘Occupational health in the courts’ - ETUI Launch of HesaMag#22


ETUI seminar on interfaces between labour and environmental law

Subcontracting in the meat industry: a chance for true reform?

Eurocadres Launch of a New Guide on Internal Whistleblowing

Litigating the Digital Platform Model

ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers

One day conference to mark the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter

60 years on: bringing the European Social Charter into changed times

Legal Seminar Series on How to Ensure Labour Rights of Undocumented Migrant Workers in a Changing Economy

Please save the date for a series of four online legal seminars to take place on the 6 – 13 – 20 and 27 October 2021 on the Labour Rights of Undocumented Mig

ETUI training on the EU for trade unionists (introductory level)

Training event focusing on the functioning of EU institutions and how Trade Unions can play a role in the decision making process

Invitation to a virtual international event on international value chains

Redesigning international value chains in a (post) pandemic world - strategic challenges for Trade Unions.

ETUI Conference on Labour Rights & the Digital Transition

Conference on the impact of digitisation on society and the world of work.

Hybrid Seminar on Posting of Workers in the EU

Key challenges and best practices

The future of (remote) work after Covid-19

Online workshop

10th Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights (online)

The next decade of business and human rights: increasing the pace and scale of action to implement the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights


Hybrid event on EU Competition Law

Annual Conference on EU Competition Law 2021

CSC/ACV International webinar on Public Procurement and Human Rights

We wish to share with you an invitation from CSC/ACV to attend their webinar on Public Procurement and Human Rights

Syndex's final conference: "Company Due Diligence and non-financial information: threats or new leverages for workers representatives?" - 27-28 January 2022

You are kindly invited to the final&

SAVE THE DATE: Labour and Internal Market Legislation Committee

Taking place virtually on Thursday, 27 January 2022 from 10.00 – 17.00 (CET)

Workshop on work-related psychosocial risks in the European Union

Mapping of national law, collective agreements and jurisprudence concerning work-related psychosocial risks in the European Union

Hybrid event - Safeguarding fundamental rights in the digital age

You are kindly invited to this joint European Commission-EESC event to discuss the annual report on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of t

13th Hans Böckler Forum on Labour and Social Law

Hybrid event

SAVE THE DATE: meeting of the Fundamental Rights and Litigation Advisory Group

Taking place virtually on Friday, 25 February 2022 from 10.00 – 17.00 (CET)

Training on understanding the procedures and constitutional obligations relating to international labour standards (ILS)

The International Training Centre of the ILO provides a 30-hour training on ILS

Annual Conference on European Labour Law 2022

The Academy of European Law is organising its Annual Conference on European Labour which will take place on 24-25 March 2022


Online debate organised by Europgrip on the health and safety challenges in a changing world of work.

Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems and Fundamental Rights

A hybrid Conference focusing on the latest European Union and Council of Europe policy developments




EU Competition Law Online Workshop

This workshop organised by the Academy of European Law focuses on the main issues and practical challenges facing competition law enforcement and sustainabil

Online event "The EU Accession to the European Social Charter"

Event organised by the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights (ANESC)

ETUI Workshop on OSH and Strategic Litigation

The European Trade Union Institute is organising a third workshop on strategic litigation in the field of occupational health and safety.

ETUI Seminar - Challenges associated with short-term labour mobility - 13&14 June - Brussels

Challenges associated with short-term labour mobility: third-country nationals, posted workers, seasonal workers, and refugees

Conference "Trade Union perspectives on the establishment of the European Labour Authority (ELA)"

Transnational Trade Union Rights (TTUR) Network - 25th anniversary conference

Enforcing EU Labour Law (and beyond)

ILAW Network Global Conference 2022

2nd Global ILAW Confernce

European Sovereignty: The Legal Dimension – A Union in Control of its own Destiny

30 Years Anniversary Congress

NETLEX Conference 2022

The 2022 NETLEX Conference will take place at the International Auditorium in Brussels on the 15th and 16th of November

Seminar on Workers’ rights and fair competition – the case for a strong Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

8 February 2023 from 10:30 to 12:00 in the European Parliament

Rethinking the European single market

Moving towards a highly competitive, socio-ecologically sustainable, and resilient Europe

Annual Conference on European Labour Law 2023 - Trier & Online - 23-24 March 2023

The conference aims to bring employment and labour law practitioners up-to-date by providing an overview of the latest policy developments, legislative initi

SAVE THE DATE: Next meeting of the Fundamental Rights and Litigation Advisory Group

The next meeting of the ETUC Fundamental Rights and Litigation Advisory Group will take place on 13 April 2023 in Brussels. 

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2023 global dialogue

How can we promote the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment?

Labour Law in the mirror: categories, values, interlocutors

9th International Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law

25 years in pursuit of human rights and social justice

To mark the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaint

EU Accession to the ECHR: "If at first you don't succeed..."

Hybrid event exploring the proposed accession agreement as well as the future opportunities and challenges facing both the EU and the ECHR legal orders

Remote work: fundamental questions and the way forward

Enforcing workers’ rights in Europe through strategic litigation

SAVE THE DATE: Next meeting of the Fundamental Rights and Litigation Advisory Group on 8 November 2023

SAVE THE DATE: The 2023 NETLEX conference will take place in Bratislava on 9 and 10 November 2023

Book launch: Trade unions in the European Union

Picking up the pieces of the neoliberal challenge

Managing algorithms at work: regulatory techniques in a Europe-Asia dialogue

Online and in person

Future of work: rethinking workers' rights in the digital age

Outsourcing digital work under the law: The legal governance of a global workforce

European Labour Law Workshop

Platform Workers – between flexibility and precariousness

Labour Rights as Human Rights

10th Seminar on international and comparative labour law

ETUCLEX Litigation Lab : "Presentation of the ETUC Strategic Litigation Guide"

The ETUCLEX team will organise a Litigation Lab to present our recently published

ERA 2025 Annual Labour Law Conference - 20-21 March 2025 (Trier (DE)/online)