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The European Court of Human Rights pronounced itself on the relationship between economic freedoms and social rights
On 21 April 2021, the European Commission presented its long-awaited proposal on the regulation of artificial intelligence
The letter of formal notice is the first step in the infringement procedure, followed by a reasoned opinion if deemed necessary by the Commission.
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV) and National Federation of Christian Trade Unions (CNV) v.
Public service trade unionists from across the Mediterranean region met online on 14 and 15 September to discuss the challenges they face in asserting t
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held by twelve votes to five that there has been a violation of Article 10 of the European Co
To accept this approach would result in a hybrid decision-making process that is incompatible with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European union (TFEU)
The GSEE considers the Hellenic Republic to have failed to observe the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No.81).
New ratification: Portugal ratifies ILO Convention 190, becoming the tenth country in Europe to do so following Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ir
The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) considers the Slovenian Republic to have failed to observe the ILO Occupational Safety and Health Con
The Von der Leyen Commission has committed to review the legal framework on competition and its application in the light of green and digital transitions.
NETLEX, the ETUC network of trade union legal experts, celebrated its 25th anniversary with a conference that took place on the 2nd and 3rd of Dece
The Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) has published the 3rd edition of its Manual on Human Rights and the Environment.
From 1 February 2022, the time limit for lodging a complaint at the European Court of Human Rights is being cut from six months to four months after a final
In the framework of the Platform Reps project, the ETUC team on Non-Standard Work is looking for a subcontractor to draft 12 short country reports on work in
The presentations delivered at the Fundamental Rights and Litigation Advisory Group on the 25th of February are now available
By a vote of 13 to two, the ICJ ruled that Russia âshall immediately suspend the military operations that it commenced on 24 February.â
The law aims to set a quantitative target for the proportion of members of the under-represented sex on the boards of listed companies
P&O Ferries' illegal firing of seafarers without consultation is a serious violation of the ILO's principles concerning the freedom of association and co
For the first time since its creation, a complaint has been presented by trade union organisations before the Single Entry Point (SEP) of the European Commis
The ETUC has instituted an award to honour the outstanding and dynamic scientific work, of great value to the European trade union movement, of the late labo
The aim of the guide is to inform legal practitioners about the ECtHRâs key judgments and decisions that reference EU law
The European Court of Human Rights has updated its factsheet on on the Courtâs case-law and pending cases in the field of trade union rights.
European Parliament resolution of 7 July 2022 on Better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws
The United Kingdom and Ukraine ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul C
The Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) compiled an overview of key aspects of national laws implementing the EU Temporary Protection Directive in nine EU Member
European Committee of Social Rights considers the reforms of the French Labour Code violated article 24b of the European Social Charter
The ECtHR's Knowledge Sharing platform (ECHR-KS) was launched on 18 October 2022 with the mission to share Convention case-law knowledge, complementing the e
The ILAW Network is pleased to present this report, Taken for a Ride: Litigating the Digital Platform Model
Three Belgian Trade Unions - the Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CSC), the General Labour Federation of Belgium (FGTB) and the General Confeder
The International Lawyers Assisting Workers network (ILAW) launched its newest issue brief, Taken for a Ride 2: Accelerating Towards Justice.
The contributions in this celebratory volume highlight the diverse aspects of the CFAâs broad impact on respect for this fundamental right, based on careful
The report outlines the extent to which ILO Member States have fulfilled their obligations under international labour standardsâ obligations
This document includes recent and relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in relation to rights in the workplace.
As discussed in-depth during the 2022 NETLEX conference, international human rights law may be deployed to address the cost-of-living crisis
This Guide is part of the series of Case-Law Guides published by the European Court of Human Rights to inform legal practitioners about the fundamental
The AG delivered an opinion on Directive 2000/78/EC and the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief
The ILO Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS) has reached its conclusions on the individual case of the UK in relation to the Convention on Freedom
The 10th edition of the authoritative Global Rights Index shows that the global cost-of-living crisis has been met with a crackdown on the rights of working
Legislation restricting the right to strike sends UK down the rankings of the ITUC Global Rights Index
A video explaining the collective complaints mechanism as well at the ETUC's involvement is also available.
Information note on developments in the ILO Governing Body regarding the conflict on the right to strike
The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) unveiled its Annual Activity Report for 2022, shedding light on pressing social rights issues across Europe
ETUC general secretary Esther Lunch warns UK will be âan international outlierâ on labour standards
Global Labour Rights Reporter Vol. 3 Issue 1: Protecting the Labour Rights of Migrant Workers and Refugees
The International Court of Justice has made an Order organizing the proceedings, an opinion can potentially be expected for early 2025
The International Labour Office submitted to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) a collection of 342 documents in five volumes (dossier), as required un
A new ILO study marks a step forward towards creating a new international labour standard to support decent work in the platform economy
The Council of the EU adopted a decision calling on the Member States to ratify the International Labour Organizationâs Convention on Violence and Harassment
It is with deep sadness that we share the passing of VÃt Samek, a highly esteemed and dedicated member of the European trade union legal co
- Last update (28 March 2025) : The Executive Summary of the ETUC Counter-Opinion on the Adequate Minimum Wage Directive c
On 24 May 2024, the European Council has officially adopted the Corporate Sustainability